David Dibble

David Dibble


At 24, David started a company in a garage with $5000 and built it to a profitable $10 million in sales & 200 employees. Based upon the work of W. Edwards Deming, Peter Senge, Buckminster Fuller, Ilya Prigogine, and John S. Bell, he became an expert in workplace systems improvement. Since 1990, he has been training and consulting using his Four New Agreements for Leaders and Managers as a now proven model for sustainable organizational transformation, with remarkable results. Over eight years, much of his New Agreements work was done in hospitals and healthcare systems, the outcomes of which border on unprecedented (see the Healthcare Outcomes Report here). He has written four books including The New Agreements in the Workplace andThe New Agreements in Healthcare (Get free downloads of David’s bookshere). David studied for eight years with don Miguel Ruiz, author of the best selling The Four Agreements . A moving speaker, David is the winner of the prestigious “T” Award for Innovation in Executive Coaching. For more on David and, if you feel a resonance with him or the Four New Agreements for Leaders and Managers work. David believes that new, more evolved, systems-thinking leaders in the workplace will become catalysts for raising human consciousness globally, the only possibly answer to solving the many intractable problems that face humanity and our world as a connected whole. For more than three and a half decades, he has studied and practiced universal scientific and consciousness principles as applied to conscious organizational transformation and best practice business systems. He has taken the best of everything he has learned and applied over the years and packaged it into the revolutionary body of knowledge that is Dibble LEADERS and The Four New Agreements for Leaders and Managers.

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Systems Thinking Is Leadership

For leaders in a fast-paced manufacturing environment, life can be hectic—even an on-again, off-again firefight. I know, having been in the business for 20…