Fred Kofman


President and Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) of Axialent, Fred has created and taught programs in leadership, personal mastery, team learning, organizational effectiveness, and coaching for thousands of executives worldwide. After completing a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, Fred became an assistant professor of Management Accounting and Control Systems at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, where he was named “Teacher of the Year” in 1992. In his years at MIT, he worked alongside Peter Senge as a senior researcher at the Center for Organizational Learning. Fred also helped found the Business Branch of the Integral Institute, with Ken Wilber. Fred has led many seminars in the U.S., Europe, South America, and Asia and presented his research at numerous academic institutions, including MIT’s Sloan School, Harvard Business School, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the Univeristy of California at Los Angeles and Berkeley, University of Notre Dame, The London School of Economics, the University of Tel Aviv, Nanyany Technological Institute of Singapore, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, and Universidad Francisco Marroquin. Fred is the author of the book Conscious Business, which has been translated to more than 10 languages. He also wrote the trilogy Metamanagement and his scholarly articled have appeared in publications such as Econometrica, The Journal of Public Economics, The Fifth Discipline Field Book, and The Journal of Organizational Dynamics. Fred enjoys sports and outdoor activities such as golf, trekking, mountain climbing, scuba diving, and skiing.

Showing 4 of 4 results

Check-in Check-out

Your daughter was sick last night and you didn’t get much sleep. Tony’s car was rear-ended on the way to the office. Vivian has…

Transformational Learning: A Blueprint for Organizational Change

Attempting to bring about organizational change through the internal transformation of individuals is difficult, yet it may be the most effective way. The belief…

Double-Loop Accounting–A Language for the Learning Organization

If accountants (“those bean-counters”) are so dumb and we (“who really know this business”) are so smart, why do they run our companies? We complain…

Check In, Check Out: A Tool for “Real” Conversations

Your daughter was sick last night and you didn’t get much sleep. Tony’s car was rear-ended on the way to the office. Vivian has…