Kali Saposnick


Kali Saposnick was previously a publications editor at Pegasus Communications, Inc.

Showing 10 of 19 results

Collective Leadership: A Process for Dialogue-Based Profound Change

One afternoon in May 1992, a teenage boy walked into Morning Star Baptist Church in Boston, MA, to attend a classmate’s funeral. Some gang…

Small Company Big Impact! Powerfully Engaging Your Employees to Change the World

How can a small company create the focus and capabilities to have a significant impact in the world? Three years ago, McCarroll Marketing, a…

A Continuous Learning Approach to Child Welfare

Imagine getting a knock at the door from a social worker telling you that you’re being investigated for abusing your child, and at the…

Achieving Innovation by Way of Chaos

For centuries, discoveries in science have influenced the development of management theory. In the 1800s, business leaders applied Newton’s linear logic—output is directly proportional…

A New Story for a New Time

Throughout our existence, people have told stories as a way to understand our place in the universe and shape our action. When a radically…

Increasing Agility at Sandia National Laboratories: An Interview with Lynn Jones

About two years ago, Lynn Jones, then vice president of lab services at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, and several other leaders recognized…

Getting Organized to Make a Difference

Have you ever put an article you intended to read “later” on top of a pile? In her new book It’s Hard to Make…

Timely Leadership Through Action Inquiry

The number of leadership titles flooding the marketplace these days reflects people’s quest to find ways for their organizations to respond effectively to the…

Getting to the Core of How Organizations Work

Many theories exist as to why it is so difficult for organizations to change and thrive in today’s complex work environment. Systems theory, for…

Shared Governance in the City of Fayetteville

Until 1983, state legislation had prohibited the city of Fayette Ville, North Carolina, from annexing—that is, extending its municipal boundaries to encompass surrounding urban-like…