Lisa Heft

Lisa Heft


Lisa Heft is an internationally renowned facilitator and educator known for her use of Open Space Technology and other participant-driven dialogic and interactive methods for engaging deeper reflection, learning and interchange – whether facilitating 2500 people in a conference-wide dialogue, consulting on the use of Open Space for peace worker teams doing conflict resolution and community building in Northern Iraq and East Timor, engaging interdisciplinary thinking between housekeepers, hospitality managers and CEOs for the future of a luxury resort facility, teaching interactive learning methods to monitoring and evaluation specialists from developing and emerging nations, helping corporate sales representatives share knowledge and experience across divisions, products and regions, or facilitating dialogue between prison inmates. She also teaches and mentors facilitators and educators, hosts conversations amongst facilitators worldwide and consults on interactive meeting and conference design.

Lisa has facilitated and shared learning about facilitation in 18 countries. Her experience is across cultures and industries for diverse meeting objectives, knowledge-sharing conferences, dialogue-based task work, planning and reflection.

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The Mouse and the Earthquake: An Introduction to Systems Theory

If you can study a part of a process, event, or thing . . . human behavior the mind ecology the birth of a…