Malcolm Burson

Malcolm Burson


Malcolm Burson is a Public Policy Advisor with CLF Maine. His focus is on climate change, particularly climate communication. At CLF, he has been leading the effort to sustain climate action on adaptation in Maine in the face of state government’s backsliding from what had been a leadership position in New England.

Malcolm came to CLF in 2011 after twelve years with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, having served most recently as Associate Policy Director. During his DEP tenure, he managed the climate change program, acting as facilitator and organizer of two multi-year stakeholder efforts, and as the principal author of Maine’s mitigation plan, A Climate Action Plan for Maine (2004), and of People and Nature Adapting to a Changing Climate: Charting Maine’s Course (2010), the preliminary climate adaptation plan.

Malcolm also works on transportation and land use, especially in the Portland region. He was appointed in 2013 to the Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System’s transit committee, where he facilitated the formation of a multi-community task force to create a unified transit district in southern Maine. He has additional interest and experience in lake and stream water quality.

An avid birder, sea kayaker, cross-country skier, and food / wine lover, Malcolm lives in Portland.

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