Tag: information

Showing 4 of 4 results (by popularity)

When Technology Alone Isn’t Enough: Rediscovering the Social Nature of Learning

Why can millions of people successfully operate a relatively complex piece of heavy equipment — an automobile — while few seem capable of getting…

An Economy Designed to Sustain the Environment

You have probably heard of Lester Brown’s work before whether you know it or not. For the past 30 years, when an environmentalist or…

The Practice of Managing

Maverick business professor Henry Mintzberg’s new book, Managing (Berrett-Koehler, 2009), is a must read for those serious about management. He bases his book on…

The Next Great Frontier: Designing Managerial and Social Systems (Part 1)

The continued search for better understanding of social and economic systems represents the next great frontier in human development. Frontiers of the past have…