Jay Rothman, PhD, was appointed Associate Professor in the Graduate Program on Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Graduate at the Bar-Ilan University in Israel In 2012. He is co-editor of The International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution (IJCER). He is the author/editor of four books, including Resolving Identity-Based Conflict: in Nations, Organizations and Communities (Wiley, 1997) and, From Identity-Based Conflict to Identity-Based Cooperation (Springer, 2012). He has published and taught extensively about Identity-Based Conflict, Creative Conflict Engagement, and Action-Evaluation.
Since 1998, Rothman has been the president of the ARIA Group, Inc. a conflict resolution training, consulting and evaluation company (www.ariagroup.com). He and his associates assist leaders, organizations, communities and individuals around the world challenged by conflict who seek to forge collaborative solutions.
He has trained, facilitated and mediated internationally for several decades, led workshops and given keynote presentations at numerous conferences and convocations in more than a dozen countries.
Rothman is currently working on a MOOC (a Massive Open Online Course) called “Peacemaking from the Inside-Out: Identity, Conflict and Cooperation through Narratives of Jerusalem.”