Chris Soderquist

Chris Soderquist


Chris Soderquist has over 20 years experience as a system dynamics consultant and trainer, with a diverse set of clients from the private and public sectors. Chris is a guest lecturer at the Darden School of Business (University of Virginia) in their Executive Education Program, and on the Boeing Engineering Leadership Program’s development team. He is a contributing author to The Change Handbook (Berrett-Koehler, 1999) and has published several features in The Systems Thinker. Chris’s most recent focus areas include public health and environmental policy, NGO strategic planning, and local community-based sustainability efforts. Additionally, his
research interests include linking dynamic modeling with dashboard/scorecard development, implementation, and monitoring. Recent clients include: the CDC, NH HHS, GA Health Policy Center, and Kansas Health Institute.

Showing 4 of 4 results

Operational Strategy Mapping: Learning and Executing at The Boeing Company

Although we usually refer to ourselves as “human beings,” the truth is, if we closely analyzed our behavior, we’d likely describe ourselves as “human…

Facilitative Modeling: Using Small Models to Generate Big Insights

All you need to do is read the paper or watch the news to realize that the world is becoming more difficult to understand…

Reader’s Response to “Moving Beyond the E-Vent Level”

The Problem: Unintended Consequences of Venting While reading the Workout regarding, I couldn’t help but picture Peter Finch’s famous scene from the movie Network,…

From Riots to Resolution: Engaging Conflict for Reconciliation

As members of communities and organizations, many people feel their days (and their energy!) being consumed by contentious conflicts between diverse stakeholder groups. Organizations…