Laurie Ford, PhD has combined her education in Cognitive Psychology and Operations Research Engineering to design effective methods of change implementation and management for business, government, and association organizations in the US and Europe. She and her husband, Professor Jeffrey Ford of The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business have co-authored articles in the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Change Management, and the Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, as well as Harvard Business Review, and Organizational Dynamics. They also co-authored the award-winning book The Four Conversations: Daily Communication that Gets Results.
Dr. Ford blends the fundamental communication principles of her Social Sciences background with the systems management principles of Engineering to provide a new and effective approach for organization change and management that: (a) clarify the mission-critical functions and interactions of the organization, (b) identify the communication and performance improvements needed within and between groups, and (c) engage managers and staff in developing and implementing beneficial changes to achieve the desired outcomes. This approach consistently shows 50-200% improvements in financial and operational measures for: (1) Efficiency; (2) Revenue, costs, and profits; (3) Effectiveness; and (4) Customer and personnel satisfaction.