Michael Ballé

Michael Ballé


Author and Speaker. Michael is associate researcher at Telecom ParisTech, and holds a doctorate from the Sorbonne in Social Sciences and Knowledge Sciences. For the past twenty years, he has focused on lean transformation (how companies use lean techniques to develop a lean culture) as part of his research on knowledge-based performance and organizational learning. He has written several books and articles about the links between knowledge and management (Managing With Systems Thinking, The Effective Organization, Les Modèles Mentaux), and more recently, co-authored a trilogy of business novels published by the Lean Enterprise Institute, one about lean turnaround, The Gold Mine and one about lean transformation, The Lean Manager and one about lean leadership, Lead with respect. He is a leading expert on lean transformation initiatives, and an engaging and colorful public speaker, experienced in running interactive workshops with large audiences. Michael is co-founder of the Projet Lean Entreprise and the Institut Lean France.

Showing 5 of 5 results

”Leaning” into Organizational Learning

As a senior management team, we have always worked hard to create a true learning organization in our firm, Danfoss Socla, a specialized valve…

Why Lean Works: A Three-Loop View of the Firm

A few years ago, Industry Week published a survey showing that although nearly 70 percent of all plants used lean manufacturing as an improvement…

Pulling the Andon Cord: Toyota Responds to Challenge and Change

Toyota’s recent—and highly visible— troubles have generated a lot of buzz, mostly on the general theme that Toyota has lost its way and become…

Unearthing the Mystery of Toyota’s Success

TEAM TIP Don’t underestimate the power of coaches! Toyota’s problem solving occurs under the guidance and control of a coach who makes sure the…

What Is the Relationship Between Systems Thinking and Lean?

What is the relationship between systems thinking and lean? That’s a fascinating question, one not so easily answered, because we’re talking about two very…