Showing 5 of 5 results
Managing Delays
My husband, Hal, and I rented a houseboat and traveled down the beautiful St. Johns River in Florida. After a short lesson at the…
Comfort Zones
It’s a good thing we have comfort zones, those ways of acting and thinking that do not cause us stress or require much thought.
The Neuroscience of New Habits
According to the dictionary, a habit is “an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.” Since we repeatedly think and…
Attention Not Energy
When you face something unpleasant, give it your attention but not your energy.” This is one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever…
The Science of Change: Working with – Not Against – Our Inner Systems
I cannot count the times I have heard individuals announce, with great certainty, New Years resolutions by which they intend to change their behavior.