Tag: presence

Showing 4 of 4 results (by popularity)

Leading from the Future: A New Social Technology for Our Times

We live in a time of massive institutional failure, collectively creating results that nobody wants. Climate change. AIDS. Hunger. Poverty. Violence. Terrorism. Destruction of…

The Deeper Dimensions of Transformational Change: A Call to Collective Inquiry and Action

Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future (Society for Organizational Learning, 2004) represents a further evolution of many of the themes presented…

Presence of Mind: “Not Knowing” May Lead to New Answers

When was the last time you were in a meeting and someone said, “Stop thinking so much!” or “I don’t want you to come…

The Potential of Talking and the Challenge of Listening

In December 2002, the entire world was arguing about what to do about Iraq. There were two sides to the argument. On one side,…