Tag: Shifting the Burden

Showing 6 of 6 results (by popularity)

Stewardship: A New Employment Covenant

The latest casualty of the changes sweeping through corporate America is the lifetime employment contract — the implicit agreement that provided employees with economic…

Using the Archetype Family Tree as a Diagnostic Tool

Consider the plight of a small “mom and pop” lawn care company. The owners faced periodic cash shortages due to the cyclical nature of…

Organizational Addictions: Breaking the Habit

Caffeine Addiction It’s 6:00 a.m. on a Monday morning. The alarm clock blares, jolting you out of bed. You shuffle down to…

Managing Hospital Emergency Capacity

It’s 11:30 on a Friday night at San Jose Medical Center. In the operating room are the victims of an auto accident — a woman,…

Shifting the Burden: Moving Beyond a Reactive Orientation

Although the parable of the boiled frog has become a familiar story in organizational learning circles, it does not yet seem to prevent organizations…

Introducing the Systems Archetypes: Shifting the Burden

As with the previous systems archetype that we discussed, “Fixes That Fail,” “Shifting the Burden” is about how the pressure of a worsening problem…