Janice Molloy

Janice Molloy


Janice Molloy is principal of Espira Editorial and former managing editor of The Systems Thinker. In her current role, she provides content development, consulting, and editorial services for clients such as Harvard Business Publishing, MIT’s Sloan Management Review, Safari Books Online, and the Society for Organizational Learning. Over the course of 15 years with Pegasus Communications, Janice served as content director, wrote for and managed the Leverage Points blog, and coordinated programming for the Systems Thinking in Action conference. She earned an M.S in Hispanic Literature and Linguistics from Georgetown University and a B.A. magna cum laude in Anthropology and Spanish from Wellesley College.

Showing 10 of 45 results

Nurturing Systemic Wisdom Through Knowledge Ecology

As companies struggle to meet the growing need for quick responses to strategic opportunities and dangers, a profound evolutionary process has been unfolding over…

Hearts in the Stream: Learning to Learn from Nature

You are fly fishing, standing knee-deep in the Housotonic River, which tumbles down the western edge of Connecticut. As you cast for the fifth…

When Technology Alone Isn’t Enough: Rediscovering the Social Nature of Learning

Why can millions of people successfully operate a relatively complex piece of heavy equipment — an automobile — while few seem capable of getting…

Making Beautiful Music by Managing Complexity

What words do we use to describe a team that’s functioning well? Whether we realize it or not, we often use musical terminology: We…

From Students to Citizens and Workers: An Interview with Deborah Meier

You and some colleagues are on a retreat, discussing long-term strategies for your organization. As the hour grows late, someone brings up the issue…

“Staging” a Comeback at Unilever

Over the past couple of years, O some brave souls in the business world have started to talk about the link between personal growth…

Forging Sustainable Solutions to Complex Problems

The next time you are involved in a seemingly unbreakable impasse, think about the dilemma faced by South Africans in the early 1990s. After…

A Curriculum for Transformational Learning

We all know from personal experience that acknowledging the need to do something differently doesn’t mean that we actually change how we act (just…

Creating Tomorrow’s Innovators Today

In 2010, IBM’s Institute for Business Value surveyed 1,500 chief executives from 60 counties and 33 industries to determine the foremost issue confronting them…

Keeping Performance up to Speed

Last week, while I was waiting for a phone call at my home office, I ran a utility program on my relatively new computer…