Sandra Seagal


Dr. Seagal is founder and President of Human Dynamics International, a management consulting firm, and executive director of the Human Dynamics Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to educational and scientific research, the development of human potential and the promotion of harmony within and among individuals, groups, and cultures. She is an educator in the broadest sense, with a background in both education and psychology. She has been a teacher, a school psychologist and a psychotherapist. Since 1979 she has been engaged in original investigation that has resulted in the new body of knowledge about human functioning termed Human Dynamics, and in the development of Human Dynamics training programs for organizational development, teacher training, healthcare, parenting and cross-cultural bridging. Human Dynamics International (HDI) has trained approximately 200 licensed facilitators, on 6 continents, in 15 countries to conduct these programs which have so far been attended by more than 80,000 people. Dr. Seagal is a researcher, consultant and practitioner. She is as comfortable working with CEO’s as she is with people on the factory floor, children in classrooms and staff and patients in hospitals. She is appreciated for her ability to work with diverse groups of people. Dr. Seagal, together with David Horne, donated 1.5 hours of interview to Legacy. For more information contact Legacy.

Showing 2 of 2 results

Human Dynamics: A Foundation for the Learning Organization

In The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge posed the question, “How can a team of committed managers with individual IQs above 120 have a collective…

Human Dynamics for the 21st Century

As a global society increasingly becomes a reality and people strive to come together across divisions of culture, religion, race, age, gender, and other…