Tag: leverage

Showing 5 of 5 results (by popularity)

Thinking Systemically About Strategy

During the mid-1980s, a large high-technology company launched a project to begin thinking more systemically about strategy. “COPEX” (a fictional name) designed, manufactured, sold,…

No More Band-Aids for Healthcare Reform

In 1992, Americans will spend $817 billion on healthcare — twice as much per capita than the average of the 24 industrialized nations of the…

Accountability Leadership

What comes to mind when you hear the word “accountability”? If it is something along the lines of “who gets the blame,” “being called…

Forging Sustainable Solutions to Complex Problems

The next time you are involved in a seemingly unbreakable impasse, think about the dilemma faced by South Africans in the early 1990s. After…

“Positive” Systems Archetypes

Many readers of The Systems Thinker are familiar with the systems archetypes developed in the mid- 1980s based on the work of Jay Forrester,…