Barry Richmond

Barry Richmond


Barry Richmond was a professor at Dartmouth College. In 1985 he founded isee Systems, a System Dynamics software program that facilitated a great deal of work in the field. His incisive intellect, his passion for building understanding,
his gifts as a teacher and as a communicator, his boundless energy, his charisma, and his intellectual curiosity put him in a class by himself. He has contributed greatly to the field of System Dynamics. He passed away in August of 2002.

Showing 5 of 5 results

The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: How Can We Make It Easier to Master?

Despite significant advances in personal computers and systems thinking software over the last decade, learning to apply systems thinking effectively remains a tough nut…

Dynamic Thinking: A Behavioral Context

The first thinking skill in the systems thinking paradigm is Dynamic Thinking. It comes first because you must be able to think dynamically in…

Operational Thinking

The first three systems thinking skills help you establish an extensive (breadth) and intensive (depth) boundary for your mental or computer-based model. The next…

The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: Honing Your Skills

Why is it so challenging to develop systems thinking ability? It’s because thinking systemically involves a rather large number of different skills—seven, at least—that…

The Thinking in Systems Thinking: Eight Critical Skills

Ihave been writing and re-writing this guide (Introduction to Systems Thinking with STELLA, 1985–2000) for 15 years. I always begin by reeling off a…