Colleen Lannon


Colleen P. Lannon is co-founder of Pegasus Communications, Inc.

Showing 10 of 34 results

Utilization Review and Healthcare

“Medical cost cutters known as utilization review companies…have become immensely popular with employers seeking to control their health-care costs…[D]oubt is growing about the new…

Software Price Wars

Because learning new software takes so much time, software makers enjoy a great deal of brand loyalty once they win a new customer. That’s why…

Saturn Strains Under Success

Saturn, General Motors’ bold experiment in car manufacturing, is running into troubled times. Revolutionary no-haggle prices and a strong reputation for quality made Saturn…

Conference Begins Building a Foundation

We are in the midst of dramatic changes that are redefining and reshaping our world. Western Europe is consolidating into one common economic market. Eastern…

Stress Management–Whose Job Is It?

Stress management — long the domain of psychiatrists and therapists — is increasingly being recognized by corporate America as a critical workforce issue. The reason…

Not All Recessions Are Created Equal

Last month, the National Bureau of Economic Research confirmed what most businesses have known for some time—the United States economy is in a recession. But…

TQM Implementation: An Uphill Battle

If the decade of the ’80s can be characterized as the great boom years of quality awareness in America, the ’90s are beginning to look…

Would More Market Data Have Saved Some Developers?

The pendulum that is the Boston real estate market is on the downswing. Suburban developers have been particularly stung by the recent downturn since most…

The Fall of First Executive: Who Is to Blame?

DECEMBER 22,1989 — The takeover of First American Bank & Trust in North Palm Beach, FL marks the third-biggest bank failure of the year. Fast…

Blockbuster Video: Riding on the S-Curve

Blockbuster Video lived up to its name in the 1980s, becoming the number one video rental company in the United States. But its star may…