Category: Articles

Showing 10 of 764 results (by popularity)

Accumulators: Bathtubs, Bathtubs Everywhere…

When’s the last time you actually took a real, honest-to-goodness bath? If you are like most people, it has probably been quite a while.

Wired for Change: Leveraging Insights from Biology

Either way you spell it, this former CEO’s name is “mud.” Though the pun may be entertaining, the result of failing to explore “unthinkable”…

Anchoring Model Development in Causal Loop Diagrams

As a consultant working in the field of systems thinking, I am continually amazed by the ease with which people are able to read…

First-, Second-, and Third-Person Research in Practice

For many of us, the quest to become more effective in our work and our relationships is an ongoing process. Sometimes without even realizing…

Managing Delays

My husband, Hal, and I rented a houseboat and traveled down the beautiful St. Johns River in Florida. After a short lesson at the…

Overcoming Escalation with Big, Generous Actions

Of all the system structures that affect our lives and world, escalation takes the prize for its negative impact. In situations such as price…

Using Systems Archetypes as Different “Lenses”

So, you’ve chosen a problem you want to study using systems thinking tools. You gather together some co-workers, round up some flipchart paper and…

Building Consensus Through Systems Thinking at the New Zealand Ministry of Health

As abundant experience has shown, most change management projects encounter significant resistance from key stakeholders. One of the main reasons that people fail to…

Food Systems, Climate Systems, Laundry Systems: The Time for Systems Literacy Is Now!

Tell me, in what subjects are you literate? Sounds like a question a college interviewer might ask. To be literate of course means you…

In Search of the Perfect Causal Loop Variable

Imagine that you’re sitting in the company cafeteria with some colleagues, munching sandwiches and discussing the latest resignation from the customer service group. “I…