Tag: volume 3
Showing 10 of 24 results (by popularity)
Service Quality Excellence: Mastering the “Moments of Truth”
In recent years, Total Quality Management (TQM) has moved from a manufacturing improvement process to one that can enhance all company operations. While the ’80s…
Managing Organizational Learning Cycles
Imagine an organization in which all the records disintegrated overnight. Suddenly, there are no more reports, no computer files, no employee records, no operating manuals,…
Utilization Review and Healthcare
“Medical cost cutters known as utilization review companies…have become immensely popular with employers seeking to control their health-care costs…[D]oubt is growing about the new…
Using “Fixes That Fail” to Get Off the Problem-Solving Treadmill
It’s Monday morning. You’ve just settled in at your desk to catch up on some reading, when the phone rings. The program manager of the…
Software Price Wars
Because learning new software takes so much time, software makers enjoy a great deal of brand loyalty once they win a new customer. That’s why…
Is Our Society Addicted to Welfare?
The riots in Los Angeles several months ago focused the nation’s attention on social issues surrounding the urban poor. In the wake of these events,…
An Organizational View from the Bottom Up
New World Dictionary defines “manage” as “to train (a horse) to go through its paces, to manipulate, control the behavior and or movement of.” “Support”…
Redesigning Our Schools, Reinventing the Future
“Our only real hope to survive and thrive in the increasingly tough world of global business is to have the world’ s best managers and…
Management Flight Simulators: Flight Training for Managers (Part I)
Imagine you’re leaving on a six-hour flight from Boston to Los Angeles. As the plane pulls away from the gate, the pilot comes on over…
Creating Learning Organizations
The “learning organization” is fast becoming a corporate buzzword. Many companies are jumping on the bandwagon without really understanding what a learning organization is, or…