Tag: mental models
Showing 10 of 17 results (by popularity)
The Learning Family: Bringing the Five Disciplines Home
Roger and his wife June had been struggling with differing views about how to bring up their children. Recently, Roger attended a program about…
Becoming Unstuck: Leadership Lessons from Hindu Philosophy
The management of knowledge is increasingly understood as perhaps the most important aspect of a leader’s work. Observing, eliciting, listening, understanding, analyzing, interpreting, and…
Relinking Life and Work: Toward a Better Future
The modern workplace is far less than ideal for workers who want integrated lives. As one engineer put it, “The problem isn’t for those…
The Learner’s Path
In my previous article, Confessions of a Recovering Knower(The Systems Thinker Vol. 16, No. 7), I described my journey from being a knower to…
Confessions of a Recovering Knower
Hi, my name is Brian and I am a recovering knower. But for the grace of God, and the disciplines of organizational learning, I…
A Systems View of the Economic Crisis
One of many recent articles on the current financial crisis noted that it could only have occurred because so many people were willing to…
Picture This: Using Learning Pictures to Create Shared Mindset
When interviewed recently about the making of the 1971 film “Duel,” Steven Spielberg spoke about the impossibly tight schedule that the studio had imposed…
Systems Thinkers Must Go Down the Rabbit’s Hole
You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the…
A Curriculum for Transformational Learning
We all know from personal experience that acknowledging the need to do something differently doesn’t mean that we actually change how we act (just…
Wired for Change: Leveraging Insights from Biology
Either way you spell it, this former CEO’s name is “mud.” Though the pun may be entertaining, the result of failing to explore “unthinkable”…