Category: Articles

Showing 10 of 764 results (by popularity)

Leading in a Hyper-Connected Society

We live in a society today in which conventional wisdom is not only no longer conventional, but apparently not so wise either. Business schools…

Using the ‘Back of a Napkin’ to Assess Systems Equilibrium and Guide Change

In this information-rich and knowledge-based economy, new models, methods, and tools proliferate more rapidly than spam in our email inboxes. Yet there is one…

The Land Mines of Change

Consider an all-too-familiar vignette that probably occurs daily in organizations around the world. This scenario has been referred to as the “Catch-22” of change.

Charting the Challenge of Perfectionism

Most people appreciate when a task is done well. And we know what can result when we strive to do something to the best…

Saline Schools: Sustainable Structures, Sustainable Futures

The year was 1988. The Saline School District, in Saline, Michigan, had endured a contentious teacher’s union strike back in 1985, followed by a…

Organizational Learning at Philips Display Components

What are the potential gains and pitfalls of launching an organizational learning initiative in a company whose governance model has historically been “top-down”? The…

Facilitating Action by Overcoming Group Multiple Personality Disorder

Are you frustrated by meetings that drag on and on, with groups repeatedly revisiting difficult issues and failing to make decisions? Do managers or…

Steps Toward Organizational Learning: The Swiss Post

In 1992 the Swiss Post started to transform itself from part of a public institution into an autonomous, efficient, and competitive public enterprise. With…

The High Cost of Negative Humor

You may have enjoyed a good laugh at similar jokes created at the expense of certain groups. It usually feels good to chuckle and…

Increasing Agility at Sandia National Laboratories: An Interview with Lynn Jones

About two years ago, Lynn Jones, then vice president of lab services at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, and several other leaders recognized…