Category: Articles

Showing 10 of 764 results (by popularity)

Using Organizational Learning Tools to Build Community

The Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) is the largest two-year technical college in the U.S., serving nearly 70,000 students with an annual budget of…

Can Learning Cultures Evolve?

There is much agreement that one of the key characteristics of the 21st-century organization will be its ongoing ability to learn. In fact, it…

Structure-Behavior Pairs: A Starting Point for Problem Diagnosis

There are many possible starting points for drawing a systems diagram. One way to begin is by telling the story behind the problem, and…

Creating Learning Organizations

The “learning organization” is fast becoming a corporate buzzword. Many companies are jumping on the bandwagon without really understanding what a learning organization is, or…

Anatomy of a Reinforcing Loop

Feedback loops can be thought of as closed loops of interconnection; basically, sequences of mutual causes and effects. The links between each variable show…

Check-in Check-out

Your daughter was sick last night and you didn’t get much sleep. Tony’s car was rear-ended on the way to the office. Vivian has…

The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: A Guide to the Learning Organization

Jorge Valchez is an organizational development consultant at International Chocolate, Inc., a (fictional) confectionery company. A few years ago, he picked up a copy…

Building Communities of Commitment

Creating learning organizations takes more than a collection of individuals working toward the same cause; it requires building a community of learners who are…

Changing Our Systems by Changing Our Brains: The Leverage in Mindfulness

According to recent findings in neuroscience, not only do sensory experiences and actions change the brain’s physical structure, but so does thinking. Concentrating on…

The Promise of Systems Thinking for Shifting Fundamental Dynamics

People in Guatemala—smart people—were working harder, hiring brighter people, raising more money, doing better projects, and getting improved results. And yet, what they sought…