Tag: QA

Showing 10 of 354 results (by popularity)

Acting and Thinking Systemically

In the summer of 2006, a group of local foundations supported the leaders of Calhoun County Michigan (population 100,000), in developing a 10-year plan…

On Conversation and Collective Questioning: Theory and Practice of the World Café

Are you looking for new approaches to address questions that matter to your organization or group so that what emerges is likely to be…

Encouraging the “Epidemic” Spread of Change

Why did the crime rate in New York City drop so dramatically starting in 1993? How is it that some products—such as Hush Puppies…

Communicating Through Conflict

Where there are people, there is conflict. It affects us all. The failure to communicate effectively, or to communicate at all, is a leading…

Make the Most of Your White Space

Every manager has white space in his or her day. Successful managers take advantage of their white space and use it as a time…

Seeing Yourself Whole: A System of Power and Purpose

It was an early November day in Massachusetts, when forecasters of both the weather and the economy agreed that the outlook was bleak. My…

The “AND” Method

TEAM TIP Apply this method to anticipate— and avoid—unintended consequences before taking action. Irecently read an article by Daniel Aronson called “Targeted…

Double-Loop Knowledge Management

These are trying times for the field of knowledge management. Shunned by many as little more than yesterday’s information technology trotted out in today’s…

Leadership at the Inflection Point

For a leader, few experiences compare with the gut-wrenching discovery that you are unprepared to face a changing reality. It’s even worse if you…

Causal Loop Construction: The Basics

Systems thinking has been described as a language for talking about the complex, interdependent issues managers face every day. Within that framework, causal loop…