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Showing 10 of 387 results (by popularity)

Putting Best Practices into Practice

Seeking out and spreading best practices throughout an organization — particularly a large organization — provides significant strategic advantages. The idea of identifying and…

Flexing a Different Conversational “Muscle”: The Practice of Dialogue

Today, many management theorists and practitioners argue that organizations are attempting to move from one paradigm, or worldview, to another (see “How Dialogue Supports…

Collaborative Learning: Real-Time Practice for Knowledge Generation

It’s no surprise to most executives that we are in the early days of a major technological revolution that has had — or will…

A Practice Theory for Organizational Learning

Acarpenter once came to work on my house carrying four heavy boxes of tool. I was taken by one elegant hand saw. “Japanese,” he…

Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System

You are a claims processor working for a large insurance company. You are good at what you do, but although you know where your…

Changing Behavior in Organizations: The Practice of Empowerment

Empowerment is the process of enabling individuals to adopt new behaviors that further their individual aspirations and those of their organizations. This article presents…

On Conversation and Collective Questioning: Theory and Practice of the World Café

Are you looking for new approaches to address questions that matter to your organization or group so that what emerges is likely to be…

First-, Second-, and Third-Person Research in Practice

For many of us, the quest to become more effective in our work and our relationships is an ongoing process. Sometimes without even realizing…

Spread Good Practice by Walking in My Shoes, Not Treading on My Toes

For a time, members of my work team called me a “laggard” because I preferred not to use a laptop and LCD projector in…

The Practice of Managing

Maverick business professor Henry Mintzberg’s new book, Managing (Berrett-Koehler, 2009), is a must read for those serious about management. He bases his book on…