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Showing 10 of 387 results (by popularity)

From Fragmentation to Integration: Building Learning Communities

We live in an era of massive institutional failure,” says Dee Hock, founder and CEO emeritus of Visa International. We need only look around…

Can Learning Cultures Evolve?

There is much agreement that one of the key characteristics of the 21st-century organization will be its ongoing ability to learn. In fact, it…

School Vouchers: Another Form of “Success to the Successful”

I don’t know how any parent could stand to send his or her child off to a crumbling, dirty school with underpaid teachers and…

Clarifying Variables: Actual, Perceived, and Desired

One of the primary benefits of modeling with systems tools—whether causal loops or computer simulations—is the intense discussion it can generate around important variables…

The Learning Organization Journey: Assessing and Valuing Progress

Suppose you have just been appointed the CKO—Chief Knowledge Officer—of your organization. You are responsible for managing the company’s knowledge capital, including how it…

The “Living” Company: Extending the Corporate Lifeline

In the 1970s, diversification was the rage. But by the early 1980s, serious doubts had surfaced in the Shell Group about the wisdom of…

Managing Organizational Learning Cycles

Imagine an organization in which all the records disintegrated overnight. Suddenly, there are no more reports, no computer files, no employee records, no operating manuals,…

Building Organizational Learning Infrastructures

The systems and structures that have served our organizations well throughout the Machine Age are no longer adequate to meet the demands of the…

Management Accounting: Catalyst for Inquiry or Weapon for Control?

Since the 1950s, accounting has increasingly become the “language” of business. The growing importance of accounting systems since that time has led to two…

Charting a Corporate Learning Strategy

Managers in many companies slay are struggling with one basic question: How do you actually create a learning organization? While the five disciplines described…