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Showing 10 of 387 results (by popularity)

A Subversive’s Guide to Systems Thinking

Just the other day, a colleague made a comment reminiscent of so many similar remarks:, “You worked in a hospital. You understand all there…

Systems Archetypes As Structural Pattern Templates

Imagine you were suddenly struck with a strange illness that affected your vision. While you were still able to “see” everything around you, somehow…

Systems Archetypes as Dynamic Theories

Most people are familiar with the Sufi tale of the four blind men, each of whom is attempting (unsuccessfully) to describe what an elephant…

Introducing the Systems Archetypes: Shifting the Burden

As with the previous systems archetype that we discussed, “Fixes That Fail,” “Shifting the Burden” is about how the pressure of a worsening problem…

How Is This Similar to That?

In a handful of classrooms across the country, middle and high school students are learning about the dynamics of systems by experimenting with a…

The Next Great Frontier: Designing Managerial and Social Systems (Part 1)

The continued search for better understanding of social and economic systems represents the next great frontier in human development. Frontiers of the past have…

From Riots to Resolution: Engaging Conflict for Reconciliation

As members of communities and organizations, many people feel their days (and their energy!) being consumed by contentious conflicts between diverse stakeholder groups. Organizations…

Dancing with Systems

People who are raised in the industrial world and who get enthused about systems thinking are likely to make a terrible mistake. They are…

Applying System Dynamics to Public Policy: The Legacy of Barry Richmond

System dynamicist Barry Richmond was one of those larger-than-life characters whom one seldom encounters in this world. His incisive intellect, passion for building understanding,…

Future Thinking by Middle Managers: A Neglected Necessity

This is a story about what happened to a group of technical managers working in a multinational corporation, the Big Can Corporation (BCC)*, when…