Sector: Government
Showing 10 of 72 results (by popularity)
Facilitating Constructive Meetings
Have you ever dared to count the amount of time you spend in meetings every month? Staff meetings, supervision, board meetings, work groups, strategic…
Why Systems Thinking, Why Now?
You’ve heard the news—many U. S. companies are cutting their operations dramatically in response to falling investor confidence, stock prices, and revenues. Many major…
Declaring War On Escalation
Which came first, the violence or the retaliation? That is today’s somber version of the old “chicken or the egg” riddle. On September 11,…
Planning for Multiple Futures
Some books have lengthy lives—a measure perhaps of how much they touch their times. Peter Schwartz’s The Art of the Long View: Planning…
How Attractive Can Our Communities Be?
Over the past year, hundreds of citizens in my home town of Asheville, NC, have come together to create a list of goals for…
Ford and Firestone Hit a Pothole
Every partnership occasionally runs into rocky roads, but the relationship between U.S. auto giant Ford Motor Company and Japanese tire maker Bridgestone/Firestone Inc.recently hit…
“Cooking the Books”: The Downward Drift of Auditing Standards
Despite the booming economy, times are tough for many businesses, especially those in competitive industries. And when times get tough, many executives give in…
The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: Honing Your Skills
Why is it so challenging to develop systems thinking ability? It’s because thinking systemically involves a rather large number of different skills—seven, at least—that…
Moving from Knower to Learner
Contrary to popular opinion, learning is not the process of merely accumulating more information. You have “learned” something only when you can produce a…
New Views, New Hopes for Capitalism
All around us, we see and hear disturbing statistics about the damage that humans are inflicting on the environment. These statistics are often sad:…