Tag: system dynamics

Showing 10 of 15 results (by popularity)

A Pioneer on the Next Frontier: An Interview with Jay Forrester

DIANE CORY: This first question is from a manager at Xerox: “How can I help overcome the common perception among upper managers that system dynamics…

Facilitative Modeling: Using Small Models to Generate Big Insights

All you need to do is read the paper or watch the news to realize that the world is becoming more difficult to understand…

Evolutionary Leadership: A Dynamic Approach to Managing Complexity

Why do some companies grow while others shrink? Why are some firms extraordinarily successful over the years while others even those in the same…

Making Better School Policy Decisions Using Computer Modeling

School superintendents, administrators, board members, and others involved in public education face a Herculean task — gaining enough understanding of an infinitely complex system…

System Dynamics on a Shoestring

Perhaps you’ve read about system dynamics but not been ready to invest in a commercial simulator to test your ideas. Perhaps you use a…

Scenarios of the Future: The Urgent Case for Sustainability

I was in grade school when the original Limits to Growth (Universe Books, 1972) was published. The environmental consciousness that blossomed in the early…

Anchoring Model Development in Causal Loop Diagrams

As a consultant working in the field of systems thinking, I am continually amazed by the ease with which people are able to read…

We Can’t Afford to “Wait and See” on Climate Changes

Recent Bush administration statements on climate change just do not add up. The U. S. President and his advisers refer to the heat-trapping effects…

Taking a Systems View: A Reflection

Over many years of working with systems thinking as a student, manager, and consultant, I have developed an increasing respect for and fascination with…

Thinking in Circles About Obesity

TEAM TIP Although this article focuses specifically on the issue of weight management, some of the lessons are relevant for organizational issues; for…