Category: Articles

Showing 10 of 764 results (by popularity)

Hear and Now: Reflections on a Language of Listening

Several years ago, I was in discussion with Terry, a thirteen-year-old girl, and two other people at the Shambhala Authentic Leadership Institute. I have…

The Pocket Matrix: A Dialogue Tool for the Shopfloor

In our efforts to develop empowered workplace teams, we need dialogue tools to support productive, “no-blame” conversations about performance issues. My colleagues and I…

Wobbling to Success by Managing the “Accidental Adversaries” Dynamic

Have you ever been in a relationship that you just knew could be better? Or one that required hard work to maintain because of…

Lessons from the “Cutting Edge”

Successful companies are led by people who put systems in place to release and focus brainpower. To do so, they create workplaces where people…

Establishing an Open Dialogue Down Under at Murdoch Magazines

In March 2001, the international media company Murdoch Magazines was nominated as one of the top 20 employers to work for in Australia. Renowned…

The Imperfect Storm

When the “great blizzard of 2001” in the northeastern United States failed to be in the right place at the right time, with the…

It’s Impossible Not to Make Connections

The human brain cannot deliberately concentrate on two separate objects or ideas, no matter how dissimilar, no matter how remote, without eventually forming a…

The Power of Asking “Why?”

A boss sits down to have a meeting with his employees. They’ve fallen short of a goal, and so the boss asks: “What happened?…

Active Convergence: Breaking Down Silos at University of Central Oklahoma

Once upon a time, not so long ago nor far away, there was a great kingdom with really super people. The ruler had tasked…

Achieving Breakthrough Business Results Through Personal Change

In 1997 Rick Fox, asset leader on Ursa, Shell Oil’s largest deep-water project in the Gulf of Mexico, faced a quandary: Oil drilling problems…