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Showing 10 of 387 results (by popularity)

Engaging Head, Hand, and Heart at the Carrollton Police Department

Carrollton, Texas, is a suburb of 115,000 plus citizens in Northwest Dallas. The Carrollton Police Department (CPD) has 161 sworn personnel, 78 civilian personnel,…

Professional Development for Teachers: A Systemic Makeover

Nine years ago, I became executive director of the Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). This nonprofit organization has a compelling mission:…

Minnesota Takes the Long View of Its Solid Waste System

In January 2000, Minnesota’s Office of Environmental Assistance (MN OEA) began to investigate creative solutions to the state’s growing problems with solid waste disposal.

Balancing in a Corporate Storm: Boeing’s Quantum Shift Learning Team

In 1994, Boeing’s CEO Phil Condit published an attention-getting article in the company’s internal management publication. In it, he challenged employees to shake off…

Making Beautiful Music by Managing Complexity

What words do we use to describe a team that’s functioning well? Whether we realize it or not, we often use musical terminology: We…

Empowering People to Learn with and from Each Other

When union steelworkers and management met at the Kansas City, Missouri, Armco plant to renew their labor contract, they found themselves negotiating more than…

Using Learning Histories to Design Management Innovation

The field of organizational learning has long offered a rich selection of tools — from devices such as the Ladder of Inference to causal…

From Students to Citizens and Workers: An Interview with Deborah Meier

You and some colleagues are on a retreat, discussing long-term strategies for your organization. As the hour grows late, someone brings up the issue…

System Dynamics on a Shoestring

Perhaps you’ve read about system dynamics but not been ready to invest in a commercial simulator to test your ideas. Perhaps you use a…

Helping Groups to Function on Their Own: A New Form of Consulting

Everyone knows that we are going through a time of significant social change affecting all areas of our lives. The workplace is no exception.